The school was established in the year 1992 with the dedicated efforts of the villagers of Chandanpur Panchayat and other well wishers of Bari block. The school took a good shape with the contributions of young teachers of the locality for the noble cause of educating the poor students of the panchayat. Being a young institution, the progress was slow but the progress was accelerated through the sincere efforts of the teachers. The school secured best results in block and subsequently at district level. The students made marks in cultural and extra curricular activities in various forums.
In the year 2023 the school was in news for creating a state topper in board exam. The school got attention from the all corners of the state and state leadership.
The school has been included under 5T transformation scheme of Mo-Sarkar initiative of Govt of Odisha and created a brand name in the district through unbeatable performances in all domains. The students also came with flying colors in scholarship exams and extra-curricular activities in the states. The students represented the school in block, district, state and national levels in sports and extra-curricular activities. The headmaster and other teachers also updated themselves through various training and teacher development programs.
The school is now member of various clubs (NCC, Bharat Scouts & Guides, Standard club, Energy club and Eco-club) and effectively achieved the mandates. The headmaster also became a state executive of OSSTA through his contributions to the teacher communities. The teachers and staff members are striving hard to progress and achieve bigger milestones day by day.
“The road to success is always under construction” and keeping this motivation in mind the leaderships of the institution are always down to earth and contribute continuously through their hard work.
Vande Utkala Janani
Jai Hind, Jai Bharat