Science lab

Under 5T initiatives the school has been provided with scientific experiments and easy learning tools to understand the basis of scientific concepts:

  1. Theoretical knowledge has been realized in labs through simple experiments
  2. Application of science concepts have been realized through simple experiments
  3. The understanding of design thinking has been developed
  4. The interest level of the students towards science and environmental education has been increased appreciably
  5. The teachers have shifted their teaching methodologies from traditional methods to latest trends


  1. Science communication skills have been improved
  2. The minds of the students are aligned towards scientific thinking and innovation
  3. Students are able to apply scientific concepts in day to day life
  4. The minds of the students have been ignited to pursue science courses in future
  5. Interest level of the students has been enhanced through live demonstration

 “SMART” for “Showing, Manageable, Accessible, Real-time Interactive, and Testing.”

Demonstration of various science experiments

Science Lab Gallery